借問 in order to 同 due to 有咩分別?

2009-02-28 8:59 am
借問 in order to 同 due to 有咩分別? 是一樣嗎

回答 (2)

2009-02-28 5:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案

『in order to』 解 『為了』 用於 『Adverb clauses of Purpose』
in order to = so as to = to 後面跟Verb
He is working very hard (in order to / so as to / to) pass the exam.
in order that = so that 後面 跟 Subject + Verb
He is working very hard (in order that / so that) he can pass the exam

『due to』 解 『由於』 用於 『Adverb clauses of Reason』

due to = caused by 只能用於 Verb to be 後 或 Noun 後
He was absent (because of / on account of / owing to / due to (不能用於absent 後) / caused by (不能用於absent 後 ) his illness.
His absent was (due to / caused by) his illness.

2009-02-28 9:31 am
in order to 是為了做某事或想做某事。
例如:為了想令你相信........(In order to make you believe,...........)
due to 是因為某事。
例如:這意外是因為你的疏忽 (This accident was due to your carelessness)

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