
2009-02-28 8:16 am
置富花園(Chi Fu Fa Yuen),是香港南區的一個大型屋苑,於1978年由香港置地發展,共20座,位於香港島薄扶林置富道1 號,住戶可享西博寮海峽海景。屋苑前身是牛奶公司的薄扶林牧場,而該地皮的發展權就是1973年的「置地飲牛奶」(香港置地收購牛奶公司)事件的其中一個誘因。


回答 (1)

2009-02-28 11:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
Chi Fu Fa Yuen is a large residential estate in Southern District of Hong Kong Island. It was developed by Hong Kong Land Ltd in 1978 with a total of 20 blocks. It is located at 1 Chi Fu Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong. Residents could have sea view of the West Lamma Channel. The Estate was built on the Pokfulam Diary Farm owned by Hong Kong Diary Farm Ltd. The right of developing this land was one of the cause for "Hong Kong Land to drink milk" incident (the buy-out of Hong Kong Diary Farm by Hong Kong Land) in 1973.
Chi Fy Fa Yuen has club house, swimming pool, shuttle bus service, cap park, bus terminal, light bus and 24-houred management service provided by Kai Shing Management Services Ltd. Chi Fu Fa Yuen has a total of over 4,200 units, but with unit net area of 518 and 697 sq ft respectively only. Chi Fu Fa Yuen was the design of the 1970's with unmatured shopping facilities, that's why it is said to be "comfortable and quiet". It is within District 18 for primary schools and Southern for secondary schools in the School Nets.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 16:28:50
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