University of Toronto or University of Western Ontario?

2009-02-27 3:08 pm
For an undergraduate degree in Management (Not Ivey) I got in both... So yeah obviously I'm not basing my decision of Y!A but I'd appreciate as many suggestions and opinions as possible!! Thanks!

回答 (3)

2009-02-27 3:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(First answer! Wahoo!!)

I have to go with U of T. Not only did I go there (science), but it is one of the most respected universities. Having a degree from there kind of speaks for itself. You won't have to qualify it.

Toronto is the business and banking capital of Canada. As much as my husband and I would be willing to move elsewhere, there simply aren't enough opportunities for his particular specialty in brokerage, anywhere else in Canada. If you plan to be involved in banking at all, you'll pretty much have to swim with the big fish. (My husband, ironically enough, has a masters in Economics from York/Schulich since, at the time, that was the best choice for him. Still, the reputation is that people go to York because they couldn't get into U of T.) (hehehe...suckers!) ;-)

I lived in London for a few years. Western is kind of known as a party school. Still, it's a respected university, and you really can't go wrong with a degree from there. If you're at all worried about big city life, then maybe London is a better way to ease into it. (Myself, I really hated London. I found it painfully conservative and limiting. Happily, it's only about a 2-hour drive from Toronto.) :-)

I guess, when it comes right down to it, you can't really go wrong with either. I think a lot depends on what you want out of the university experience (Toronto is all business, and Western has a lot of social activities), and what others' views of degrees from each school are. I mean, barring an excellent professor or field of study at one over the other, you'd want to go with the one that has the most respected degree in the marketplace. ...Better for getting a job.

Good luck!
2009-02-27 3:54 pm
University of Western Ontario.
2016-12-04 8:15 pm
as long as you circumvent complicated majors at UofT (math, physics, life Sci, engineering) you will desire to be ok for instructor's college. yet i will furnish you with a warning now you will desire to do extra to get the comparable mark at UofT than at different universities. it somewhat is aggressive. There are a ton of foreigners right here on scholarships or who're purely clever and what not and that would not help. yet you will desire to be ok in a software like track. i don't think of that's affected. lots. i would not understand. i'd bypass to Western if I have been you. you would be extra effective there. I assure you. and you will in all probability have extra relaxing. purely bypass to UofT if it potential lots that it somewhat is low-value.

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