Will files on local disk D be recognized if I re-install vista on Drive C?[same OS - Vista Ultimate 32]?

2009-02-27 10:30 am
I want to install Vista again on my drive C, but can I still use the files on drive D after I do that?

C and D are partitions on 1 harddisk
most files in D are mp3.

回答 (5)

2016-12-04 8:00 pm
log into ur laptop with dwelling house windows xp it somewhat is put in in Dchronic. set up partition magic 8. open partition magic and use "resize" determination for Cchronic. purely keep the Cchronic 40gb or 40 5 gb for vista. thats sufficient. you are able to upload the extra area from Cchronic in Dchronic. u dont would desire to format anychronic. use bootable server 2003 disk and format Dchronic to make a sparkling 2003 server setting up.
2009-02-27 1:25 pm
For example if you have 2 Cups full of water , C cup and D cup ... if you empty the C cup then refill it , nothing will happen to the D cup.

thats how partitions are , Anything that happens to C Partition does not affect D partition , unless its on the whole Hard disk.
2009-02-27 10:37 am
Yeah it will see the second partition. Just don't get confused when you do the format
2009-02-27 10:36 am
yes any files will be fine - any applications installed on D will need to be reinstalled though
2009-02-27 10:36 am
Yes, those files should work perfectly fine after re-install. As long as you don't accidently re-install Vista on the D: Partition.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 15:21:10
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