買樓撻訂點賠 ???

2009-02-28 4:32 am
本人以個人名義買樓 , 但又擔心樓按唔批 , 但知道最壞打算撻訂的問題 , 多多指教 !!!

1/ 簽臨約時 , 是否要業主在場會比較好 ???

2/ 臨約簽妥後 , 付了小訂 , 但 14 日內 , 要付埋大訂 , 萬一 14 日 都未知銀行批唔批到 , 點又夠期付大訂 , 甘點算 ???

3/ 付完大訂先知唔批 , 即係買唔成了 , 甘我已蝕左大訂 , 那還要支付什麼毀約賠償 ???

4/ 如果 14 日內已有壞消息 , 即只付小訂 , 未付大訂 , 那又點賠 ???

5/ 要注意什麼臨約內容 ???? 什麼是必買必賣 ???? 是否所有臨約都係一式一樣 ????

回答 (2)

2009-02-28 7:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1: if the owner is not there, how can he sign on the contract? Anyway, even the owner signs the contract beforehand, the property agent has to duty to witness. You can check the property register to verify the owner's name and capacity.


2: Normally, you could obtain a pre-approval of mortgage from a bank, even before you sign on the Provisional Agreement for Sale and Purchase. Otherwise, you can specify a later Completion Date, so that you could have plenty of time to apply for mortgage from different banks

3: Ditto. Actually once you have paid the 大訂, you have already signed on the Formal Agreement for Sale and Purchase. That means it is 必買必賣. You loss is not limit to the 大訂, but the actual loss of the owner. On the other hands, contract is a mutual agreement. You could discuss with the owner for alternative arrangement, such as delay the completion date. Another method is 摸貨. You can resale the property before the completion date to others as a confirmor.


4: The loss would be the initial deposit 小訂, as well as the commission to the property agent for the owner.

5: For 臨約內容, please refer to Monograph : Conveyancing by EAA


2009-02-28 11:32:19 補充:
必買必賣 implies the Formal Agreement for Sale and Purchase has been formed. The cost of breach of contract would be the actual loss of the owner and the commission to the property agent for the owner. It is unlimited to the 大訂.

2009-02-28 11:35:35 補充:
If the purchaser fails to complete according to the formal agreement, the vendor will have the following remedies:

a. All the deposits paid by the purchaser (usually not exceeding 10% of the price) will be absolutely forfeited to the vendor;

b. The vendor will be entitled to rescind the sale;

2009-02-28 11:36:05 補充:
c. The vendor may resell the property;

d. If the price on resale by the vendor is lower than the price stated in the formal agreement, the purchaser shall be liable for the deficiency in price arising from the resale and all incidental expenses;

2009-02-28 11:36:20 補充:
e. Any increase in price on resale shall belong to the vendor;

f. The vendor is entitled to register at the Land Registry a memorandum signed by the vendor alone to rescind the sale and to vacate the registration of the formal agreement; and

2009-02-28 11:36:29 補充:
g. The vendor may claim against the purchaser for any other damages caused by the purchaser's failure to complete.


2009-02-28 11:36:34 補充:
是否所有臨約都係一式一樣 ?

No. But it is a norm to use the standard Provisional Agreement for Sale and Purchase. This is because the standard Provisional Agreement for Sale and Purchase was drafted by the industry, and is not bais to either side. It would be fair to both the vendor and the purchaser.
2009-03-01 11:36 pm


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