
2009-02-28 4:10 am
來自美國的Otis family購得了一座英國古堡的所有權,該座古堡名為the canterville castle。當Otis family舉家搬到the canterville castle時,他們聽聞莊園的舊主人sir Simon的鬼魂經常在莊園出沒,又發現地上的血漬被抹去後竟又再次出現,更聽見晚上傳來陣陣的怪聲。Otis family對Sir Simon的鬼魂很感興趣,經常談起他們在屋內的所見所聞最後,Mr Otis的女兒以眼淚令Sir Simon的鬼魂得以安息
sir simon的鬼魂實在受不了the twins不停戲弄他,計劃了向Otis family大報復,他邀請所有恐怖的鬼魂一齊聚集在the canterville castle, 然後天天都騷擾他, the twins也差點被鬼附身~
最後,Otis family搬離the canterville castle, 之後再也沒有人到過那裡了

回答 (2)

2009-02-28 9:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
Otis family from the United States had bought the sovereignty of an ancient English castle which is the Canterville Castle . When the Otis family moved to the Canterville Castle , they heard that Sir Simon, the previous Canterville Castle owner’s ghost always appears. They also found that blood spots appears again and again despite the fact that they cleaned it up several times. Furthermore, they also heard the strange noise at night. Otis family has an interest in Simon’s ghost, always talk about the scenes they are seeing. The daughter of Mr. Otis wishes that Simon’s ghost will be restful by her tears.

Sir Simon’s ghost cannot tolerate the twins kept teasing him, thus he planned to revenge on the Otis family. He invited all of the evil ghosts gathered at the Canterville Castle , and then disturbed them everyday. The twins were almost possessed by the spirit as well.

Otis had moved out of the Canterville Castle at last. Nobody had visited this castle since then.

2009-02-28 5:55 am
Otis family from U.S.A. can purchase the ownership of a British ancient fort, this seat ancient fort is called the canterville castle.

When Otis family whole family moves to the canterville castle, they hear the ghost of old host sir Simon in the manor often haunts in the manor, found that also appeared again unexpectedly after the blood on the ground is steeped and wiped, furthermore heard that a burst of stranges come in the evening.

Otis family is very interested in the ghost of Sir Simon, often speaking of their what is seen and heard end in the room, the daughter of Mr Otis makes the ghost of Sir Simon rest in peace with the tearsThe ghost of sir simon can not really stand the twins to make fun of him ceaselessly, plans to retaliate against Otis family greatly, he invites all terrific ghosts to assemble in the canterville castle in unison, then harass him everyday, the twins is almost enclosed body the twins by the spirit too~

2009-02-27 21:55:12 補充:
Finally, Otis family moves out of the canterville castle, later where has nobody been to again.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 14:43:42
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