i dont wanna be pregnant!!! did anyone else feel this way?

2009-02-26 6:22 pm
ok so im 6 weeks pregnant married but now i dont wanna be abortion is not an option i dont know if this is just mood swings or not but i dont want a ugly body after the child my husband and i are fighting alot lately i just feel we are not ready did this feeling ever happen to you and then pass?

im not selfish or anything there was a time i was so excited but this morning i just woke up hating all these syptomes

am i a horrible person will these feelings go away will i ever be excited again?

i guess im just depressed i cant eat anything with out throwing up my husband is 2000 miles away and i guess im just depressed

回答 (20)

2009-02-26 6:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
They'll go sweetheart. Be patient.

I had an unplanned pregnancy myself and for a long time wasnt sure where we were headed. Being our 1st, even my hubby wasnt much help... he was confused himself. This ended up in us fighting a LOT!
But then I accepted it as God's blessing and decided to go with it. midn u, I wasnt particularly happy still. Untill I heard my baby's heartbeat at the docs. That was it. All my doubts flew away and I knew I wanted this baby more than ANYTHING!! :)

My key --
* Pray.
* Believe in yourself.
* Make sure your hubby understands there's a lot of ups and downs in pregnancy.
* Talk to a friend
* Look around at people who want babies... cant make one! have to get IVFs etc done. Count it as a blessing!

Congrats and Goodluck
參考: 27yr old preg with a girl! :)
2009-02-26 6:28 pm
No your hormones are going crazy and you just have to enjoy this.. don't think about an ugly body, but only about a healthy baby, you will get over that after your 20 weeks once you start feeling the baby kick.. good luck
2009-02-26 6:31 pm
i know how you feel.... when i got pregnant with my 4th child i was so upset. Not that i didn't want any more children, but the timing was WAY off. my husband was deployed (we are military) and had came home on R&R. despite the pill, we still managed to conceive. I had 3 little ones on my hands already and the pregnancy was a really rough one - lots of morning sickness. Once i got past the first 6mos of throwing up and i started feeling the baby move and all i just kind of got used to the idea and decided it wasn't so bad after all. :) She is now 2.5 years old and i couldn't imagine life without her. We love her to pieces. so i am sure you will feel better about it once you get past the rough part of your pregnancy... best of luck to you.
2009-02-26 6:30 pm
hormones BIG TIME all the crappy early pregnancy symptoms will pass enjoy dont do something u may regret the rest of ur life just bc of hormones ... and clearly ur stressed so iam sure ur husband is feeling the same way that's probably the cause of the fighting u both have alot on ur minds... u should sit down and talk about what u 2 really want. do u want a baby right now? could u cope with having an abortion?
and ur Body wont be ugly being pregnant is beautiful
good luck
2009-02-26 6:30 pm
yes, it sounds to me like raging hormones. try positive affirmations, meditation, things like that -- or anything that will help you keep a positive attitude and get that excitement back. it's such a special thing to have a child, and the rewards are so amazing!! i loved being pregnant (aside from the physical discomforts, of course) and now that my kids are grown, we're great friends!!

good luck!!

oh and you might want to consider joining some sort of mom's to be support group or something like that. maybe there's some sort of educational group at a local hospital? that way, not only will you have other women/mom's to help with the excitement, you'll learn that you're not alone and that you're not the only one with these feelings.
2009-02-26 6:47 pm
Yes, I went through the same, too, in the beginning. Mine were just mood swings and results of really bad morning sickness. It went away a week after my morning sickness subsided (wk 14). And now that I've had my 2nd ultrasound, I am more excited than ever. Trust me, ugly body after the baby will be the last of your worries (because I know that's something I can change with diet, exercise, determination). All I am worried about now is will I have enough time to get everything ready (shopping, prenatal classes, hospital pre-admission, etc), when should I start my mat. leave, healthy baby, support after baby - how are we going to manage the first week...

Although my husband and I didn't fight, but there were days and nights when I avoided him on purpose...there were times when I just want to be left alone.
2009-02-26 6:42 pm
What you are feeling is ok. The first trimester is sometimes hard bc your body is dealing with so many emotions and extra hormones. When I found out we were expecting our 4th child I was upset. We have a 13, 4 and 2 year old boys. My husbands daughter jsut graduated college so we didn't have that expense anymore. I had planned on going back to work full time, we just bought a new house big enough for all of us (now it isn't) we were already financially strapped, I thought, how can we do this. My last pregnancy was so hard on me, I was sick the whole time and didn't want to go through this again. Abortion was NOT an option for us either. T But we got used to the idea. Made a new financial plan, decided to just add on to the house and I quit working my part time job so that I could stay home and let my body take it a little easier this time. hen we went for an u/s bc I was spotting and they told me they couldn't find a baby or a heartbeat. They thought they baby had stopped developing and for me to expect a miscarriage. Then I felt a tremendous amount of guilt for thinking I didn't want to be pregnant at first. And that somehow I was being punished for even having that thought. All I wanted was for my baby to be okay. Thank God it was. Now I am very excited to meet our little one and add to our family. Once that first trimseter is over, your emotions and thinking will be clearer. And once you see your baby on the u/s screen or hear it's heart beat and feel it moving inside you for the first time, all those doubts will go away. If you feel like these feelings are not going away like they should, talk to your Dr. They may have some suggestions for you. Best Wishes.
2009-02-26 6:33 pm
It will be okay. Just relax. We all went through this. And eventually you will be so excited and I guarantee that when you have that little bundle of joy that has unconditional love for you?, you will love every minute of it.
Stretchmarks? Use cocoa butter lotion. The good stuff, not cheap stuff. Helps in cutting down on stretchmarks. My sister used it and she is again a size 7 after having her 4 children and no stretchmarks. I hope everything gets better for you and your husband. No child deserves to go through something horrific like a stressed marriage.
2009-02-26 6:32 pm
you are not a horrible person... when i found out i was pregnant i was really happy but the i had morning sickness so bad i wanted to die and i thought that i hated the baby for doing this to me... then i started thinking about what i would look like after.... i had my son on august 30, 2008 and i can honestly say that i was in my size 2's in a month and a half without working out a single time... ( i breast fed him and watched what i ate, plus if you watch what you eat during pregnancy you will be fine.) some women think when they are pregnant its an excuse to gain weight.. you are not eating for two your baby is so small that it doesnt need a cheeseburger of its own it needs like half a french fry :) you will be so happy when you have your baby that it will all be worth it... i love my son so much i cant imagine what i would do without him...
參考: back in my size 2 in 1.5 months after delivery... (and not with bulge hanging over my pants)
2009-02-26 6:30 pm
Girl, this is normal I think.

When I became pregnant I started hating my boyfriend and wished that I felt differently about abortion because I did NOT want to have a baby.

But, after my first trimester everything changed. I think it was just my hormones because I love my man and my daughter (she is 16 mos now).

It wasnt exactly a planned pregnancy and I was a sr. in high school so I was scared. But everything worked out perfectly.

And about that body... just eat healthy and you will be fine. I gained a whopping 70 lbs with my baby but lost all my baby weight and then some within 6 months and i look even better then I did before. And guess what... NO stretch marks.

Keep your chin up. Things will get better and you will fall in love with this baby

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