ibis hotel 設備 in Paris??

2009-02-27 7:42 am
ibis hotel in Paris10區 有冇熱水煲提供呢??

回答 (2)

2009-02-27 5:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我住過18區的ibis hotel, 和法國 lyon, 英國london, liverpool, manchester, 德國frankfurt, lurnberg的ibis.
但印象中,房內是沒有熱水煲, 因為我不煲水,所以不太留意. 但肯定沒有 hair dryer, 因為我每天早上一定要洗頭, 而且長髮. 通常要到 counter / reception 借的, 要俾desposit, 用完後會還反desposit 俾你. 我不知道有否熱水煲可借.你可send email 去hotel問清楚. 我經常都這樣做, hotel manager 2,3日便回覆.

ibis hotel 的quality 是有保證, 是現化集團, 乾淨, 交通方便. so far, 我一個女孩子去歐洲大城市旅行, 住 ibis hotel都很平安,住得舒服.

2009-02-27 19:03:15 補充:
I sent to the below email address. IBIS is the same group of Accor Hotels.

ACCOR HOTELS RESERVATION [[email protected]]
參考: europe solo traveller
2009-02-27 7:27 pm
Thx very much, Celine. I have tried to email ibis hotel a week before but no reply till now, so would you mind provide the email that you sent to ibis last time for my enquiry.

Thankyou very very much!!!

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