問英文生字, 好淺嫁 !

2009-02-27 5:25 am
骷髏骨 英文係咩呀 !

回答 (7)

2009-02-27 6:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
骷髏骨 skeleton
骷髏頭 skull
眼窩 orbital
骨骼系統 the skeletal system.

be reduced to a skeleton瘦得皮包骨
be worn to a skeleton瘦得像骷髏
walking skeleton骨瘦如柴的人

The ground floor of the museum is taken up by the skeleton of a dinosaur.
A long illness made a skeleton out of him.
Having a large skeletal structure and well - developed muscles, he swims very fast.
他有寬闊的骨骼結構和發達的肌肉的, 所以游泳很快.
參考: sina dictionary
2009-02-27 6:31 am
Skeleton Bone ! ! ! !
參考: me
2009-02-27 6:27 am
骷髏骨=Skeleton bone

參考: 字典
2009-02-27 6:20 am
味係Skeleton bone 囉!
2009-02-27 6:07 am
骷髏骨 英文係 skeleton
2009-02-27 5:53 am
Skeleton Bone

In biology, a skeleton is a rigid framework that provides protection and structure in many types of animal, particularly those of the phylum Chordata and of the superphylum Ecdysozoa. Exoskeletons are external, as is typical of many invertebrates; they enclose the soft tissues and organs of the body. Exoskeletons may undergo periodic moulting as the animal grows. Endoskeletons are internal, as is typical of many vertebrates; they are usually surrounded by skin and musculature, though they often enclose vital organs. Endoskeletons are attachment points for musculature and act as leverage for movement, and in many animals contain marrow, which produces blood cells. Skeletons may or may not be mineralized - human skeletons are calcified, while shark skeletons are cartilaginous - and may be jointed for flexibility and motility or rigid for structural strength.

The average adult human skeleton has around 206 bones. These bones meet at joints, the majority of which are freely movable. The skeleton also contains cartilage for elasticity. Ligaments are strong strips of fibrous connective tissue that hold bones together at joints, thereby stabilizing the skeleton during movement.

Hope can help you~ ^3^
參考: wikipedia
2009-02-27 5:35 am
Dry skeleton bone=骷髏骨

參考: 我

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