ipod... Question

2009-02-27 2:28 am
I have just bought the ipod nano two weeks ago, but the ipod nano now is not connected well with the earphones, the sound just in the left hand side but not in right hand side. What can i do now? Can I change a new one in APPLE SERVICE CENTER? If not, I let them to solve the problem, do I need to pay money for them?

回答 (1)

2009-02-27 3:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
Where did you buy your iPod Nano? Hopefully your iPod is not a second-hand one.

If you buy it in a shop, bring your iPod Nano to Apple Service Center in Quarry Bay, together with your sales receipt. They will change a new one for you. The warranty period is one year. But before you go, you should check whether it is the problem of the iPod or the earphones. Plug in another earphones and if the iPod plays normally, then you can just bring along your earphones and ask for a replacement.

Actually if you discovered the problem a bit earlier (say, within seven days or so), you should go directly to the shop and ask for a replacement.

Apple Service Centre address:

Hong Kong Island
608 Stanhope House, 734 King's Road, Quarry Bay (2915-7883)

1101 Wai Fung Plaza, 664 Nathan Road, Mongkok, Kowloon

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 17:57:17
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