CHEMISTRY 化學!!幫手pls,,好急用!! 20點

2009-02-27 12:19 am
麻煩幫忙! 靠answer溫習!!!pls,,
識做1題任何1題都唔介意!!!! 聽日就要!!plssss

The following approximate numbers are not rounded off. Round them off correctly.

a) 195.259 +/- 0.03
b)0.014 625 +/- 0.0001
c)24.603197 +/- 0.02
d) 5216.942 +/- 4

e) 6 395126.4 +/- 200
f) 216.452 +/- 0.3
G) 0.000 0004 39 +/- 0.000 0004

Write 3 numbers with their their uncertainty correctly rounded off:

a) 0.031 59 +/- 0.000 274
b)2 594 615 +/- 42 724
c) 62.22 +/- 13.9
d) 2.6025 +/- 0.03149

*( Round uncertainty to 1 sig fig. then round off number)


回答 (1)

2009-03-01 12:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
a) 195.259 +/- 0.03 [0.03 has 1 sig fig.]
Answer: 200+/- 0.03 [200 has 1 sig. fig and 0.03 has 1 sig. fig.]

b)0.014 625 +/- 0.0001 [0.0001 has 1 sig fig.]
Answer: 0.01+/- 0.0001 [0.01 has 1 sig. fig and 0.0001 has 1 sig. fig.]

c)24.603197 +/- 0.02 [0.02 has 1 sig fig.]
Answer: 20+/- 0.02 [20 has 1 sig. fig and 0.02 has 1 sig. fig.]

d) 5216.942 +/- 4 [4 has 1 sig fig.]
Answer: 5000+/- 4 [5000 has 1 sig. fig and 4 has 1 sig. fig.]

e) 6 395126.4 +/- 200 [200 has 1 sig fig.]
Answer: 400000+/- 0.0001 [400000 has 1 sig. fig and 200 has 1 sig. fig.]

f) 216.452 +/- 0.3 [0.3 has 1 sig fig.]
Answer: 200+/- 0.0001 [200 has 1 sig. fig and 0.3 has 1 sig. fig.]

G) 0.000 0004 39 +/- 0.000 0004 [0.000 0004 has 1 sig fig.]
Answer: 0.000 0004+/- 0.000 0004 [0.000 0004 has 1 sig. fig and 0.000 0004 has 1 sig. fig.]

Write 3 numbers with their their uncertainty correctly rounded off:

a) 0.031 59 +/- 0.000 274
step 1: [Round uncertainty to 1 sig. fig so 0.000274 => 0.0003]
step 2: [Round off the number 0.03159 to 1 sig fig => 0.03]
Answer: 0.03 +/- 0.0003 [Both values have 1 sig. fig.]

b)2 594 615 +/- 42 724
step 1: [Round uncertainty to 1 sig. fig so 42724 => 40000]
step 2: [Round off the number 2594615 to 1 sig fig =>3000000]
Answer: 3000000 +/- 40000 [Both values have 1 sig. fig.]

c) 62.22 +/- 13.9
step 1: [Round uncertainty to 1 sig. fig so 13.9 => 10]
step 2: [Round off the number 62.22 to 1 sig fig => 60]
Answer: 60 +/- 10 [Both values have 1 sig. fig.]

d) 2.6025 +/- 0.03149
step 1: [Round uncertainty to 1 sig. fig so 0.03149 => 0.03]
step 2: [Round off the number 2.6025 to 1 sig fig => 3]
Answer: 3 +/- 0.03 [Both values have 1 sig. fig.]
參考: self = chem tutor in college

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