「Peanuts ( 花生)」 讀成「Penis ( 陰莖)

2009-02-26 10:33 pm
美國有線新聞網( CNN ) 女主播維爾吉( Zain Verjee ), 日前在直播新聞中犯上大忌, 將「Peanuts ( 花生)」 讀成「Penis ( 陰莖)」。
我在 yahoo 字典聽聽兩個字的讀音,近乎一樣(音標當然是有差別,但就是聽不出來),似乎 Peanuts 會比 Penis 讀長一些,但不覺得 Zain Verjee 有將 Peanuts 讀成 Penis,在英語國家生活過的朋友可以答一下嗎?

cmcangel65: Peanuts and Penis 兩字讀法完全不同,是否真的? 但 yahoo 字典兩字的讀音是很相似的,是否它讀錯? 而且如果兩字的讀音是完全不同,我不相信一個專業主播會讀錯另一個意思完全不同的字!


whatiswhat24 舉的例子很好,tennis 和 penis 的尾部分都是 nis,相信大部分香港人都會讀 nuts (當然當中沒有那個 " t " 音),但這樣一來,我更加想信大部分香港人會將 peanuts 的 " nuts " 和 penis 的 " nis " 都會讀成 nuts,不知英語國家的人是否都會容易犯這錯誤呢?就如那主播那樣。


whatiswhat24: 相信你既然這樣說,你一定聽過那主播在 youtube 的片段,你都認為她是說了 penis ? 可否代找找網上那個辭典的讀音是正確無誤,我很想聽聽兩個字的正確讀音的分別。網上大英百科全書的讀音如何?Microsoft Encarta Online 又如何?


單數的 peanut 與 penis 的發音當然是容易分別,尾音完全不同,一個是 " t ",一個是 " s " .


ballerina8197 所以本人反而想知道是誰屈她(其他傳媒?一些觀眾?),還是根本沒有此回事? 沒說過有屈的情況,只是討論大家聽過新聞片後的感覺,閣下會否過份認真或說話嚴重一點!

回答 (6)

2009-02-27 2:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
我在 yahoo 字典聽聽兩個字的讀音,近乎一樣(音標當然是有差別,但就是聽不出來),似乎 Peanuts 會比 Penis 讀長一些
Yes, pea <--= pi a bit longer than pe = pi
,但不覺得 Zain Verjee 有將 Peanuts 讀成 Penis,在英語國家生活過的朋友可以答一下嗎?
peaNUTS<--------u is a " ^" sound ( NUTS = nuts果仁) while
pe NIS ni <------- not a " ^" sound ( ten NIS<------網球)
Please note the " n " sound.
但 yahoo 字典兩字的讀音是很相似的,是否它讀錯?

Don't trust this dictionary! It is inaccurate.


2009-02-26 22:18:45 補充:

If you talk about British English, pea in "peanuts" and pe in "penis" = the same sound "pi:".

If you talk about American English, pea in "peanuts" and pe in "penis" = the same sound "pi".

2009-02-26 22:19:17 補充:
The main different between "peanuts" and "penis" should be the "^" sound in "peanuts" and the "ni" sound as in "tennis" in "penis".

2009-02-26 22:23:36 補充:
The main difference between "peanuts" and "penis" should be the "^" sound in "peanuts" and the "ni" sound (as in "tennis") in "penis".

2009-02-26 22:24:40 補充:
Anyway, 用文字表達讀音,實在是紙上談兵。 Hope that helps.

2009-02-27 03:20:37 補充:

我0係英國長大,今年,我已經40幾歲啦.,咁耐以來,都未聽過人地將peanuts讀成penis. ''nis'' 同 ''nis'' 2個聲根本就唔同.

2009-02-27 03:21:15 補充:
'----nuts'' 同 ''nis'' 2個聲根本就唔同.

2009-02-27 21:19:23 補充:

She was too tired. lol

Try this link http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/peanuts

2009-02-28 01:45:58 補充:
peanuts vs penis You still have to focus on the sounds " ^" and " Nis".

2009-02-28 01:59:52 補充:
http://www.howjsay.com/index.php?word=penis <---- Type in " peanuts"
and hit sumit for the sound.

2009-02-28 02:00:45 補充:

2009-03-11 14:45:28 補充:
Ken, nice comments!!!!!!!!!!!!
2009-03-11 10:32 pm
yahoo 的字典的可靠性存疑. 請多做用可信性較高的英英字典, 例如:

http://www.webster.com (查讀音)

[花生似 p nuts; 另一東西, 單數似 p nets; 眾數似 p nies]

http://dictionary.cambridge.org (查字義)

2009-03-11 14:35:49 補充:
那 cnn 報導員當時真有說錯也不出奇. "或者" 情況就好似講中文時, 原本想講個 "能" 字, 但口快說成另一個近音的粗口字, 是無心之失.

2009-03-11 14:36:59 補充:
點都好過陳克勤之前將個 best 字都讀錯!
2009-03-02 8:04 pm
2009-03-02 6:00 pm
「但不覺得 Zain Verjee 有將 Peanuts 讀成 Penis」


另想稱讚Someonesam1網友提供youtube片段,清清楚楚講出兩字讀音的分別,very good!!

至於第一位網友講的此兩字在chatting時 是「相通」及「同義的」 ,特別是「同義的」),真不明白点解?

2009-03-02 17:25:36 補充:

2009-03-02 17:51:27 補充:
如她明明沒有說錯,而有電台(或觀眾) 說她講錯,用「屈」這字不算錯掛。

想八吓有セ電台或仇家或妒忌者,會對她這樣,真看不出我這種想法會被覺得是過份認真呢? 她為人点?,是否高傲?可能有網友知,如知咪交流吓lor,就是這簡單。
2009-02-27 2:41 am
This is a very embarrassing mistake....lol
Well....they sound almost the same at the beginning...however the pronunciation of "nuts" and "nis" are different

1) "nuts" <---- when you pronounce it.....your mouth is like wide open(try to E起排牙...之後讀 "nut"+"s")
Also, your tongue should touch your palate to pronounce the word "nuts"

2) "nis" <---- when you pronounce it ......your mouth doesn't open much....(讀 "ni" + "s")
Also....when you pronounce "nis"....your tongue shouldn't touch your palate

Okay.....now....try to pay attention to the ending sound...."t" and "s" ... to correct this error...do these two things ---->
number 1: make sure that you stop the air flow and say the "t" sound
like an "nut"

number 2: add the "s"

and try to pronounce it slowly..."Pea - nut - s" ["Pea" + "甩" +"us"].....

And now, we should try to pronounce "penis"........it should sound like ---> "P - nis"["P" + "那" + "s"]

Hope it helps~ ^____^

2009-03-01 07:54:23 補充:
A really good video that I found on the net ------------------->


Can you hear the difference now ?

參考: 自己..... 10 幾年在加拿大生活所得的經驗
2009-02-27 1:34 am
1) 如將 Peanuts 讀成 Penis, 是一極大錯誤, 因兩字讀法完全不同.
**2) 但如倒轉頭把 Penis 讀成 Peanuts 則可說無錯.
3) 因在美國式 chatting, 這兩字是相通, 同義的.
Re: **2) 讀新聞縞時發現有 Penis 這字, 醒目的主播馬上會轉用另一適當字讀出, 因 Penis 這字是絕不能出街(播出)的. 故用 Peanuts 來代替.

2009-02-28 11:00:58 補充:
Well, whichever English speaking country won't mixed up the pronunciation of these 2 words "Peanuts/Penis", they are entirely different to me.

2009-02-28 11:01:29 補充:
I agreed with whatswhat said, Yahoo's pronounciation is not 100% correct. However, if you switch to a louder sound in volume, you'll find that they are obviously different.

2009-02-28 11:02:01 補充:
If you pronounced these 2 words the same, your english is lousy for sure.
Yes, Tennis, Dennys & Penis are pretty close. But if you listen to the whole sentence carefully, no Sir, it's no way to mix-up.

2009-02-28 11:04:52 補充:
Will you mix up the following?
I'll play penis with John tomorrow.
Tennis is a urinate organ for men

2009-02-28 11:06:35 補充:
You eat penis everyday.

2009-02-28 11:54:56 補充:
Both of my sons like to play penis very much.
Rafa Nadal is a good penis player.
Penis is a healthy & delicious food.
參考: Self, I live in NYC for 26 years.

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