Why does anime on Adult Swim schedule doesn't putting weeknight lineup anymore?

2009-02-25 10:24 pm

回答 (3)

2009-02-25 10:33 pm
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not sure what you are asking, but if you want to know why [Adult Swim] dosent show anime on weeknights, its because people were emailing them, telling them that they were tired of anime(who gets tired of anime) and so they made it were they only show it in saturday. Thy dont even show inuyasha at 5 and 5:30 anymore.
2009-02-25 11:01 pm
they moved anime to saturday night only. they don't even show inuyasha at 5:00 and 5:30 am anymore! but at least they don't play reruns anymore, except for the shows that are already over. and it also costs money to have anime imported, and translated into english.
2009-02-25 10:34 pm
it cost to much to import anime there is possibility that cn would get rid off all it's anime i hope that doesn't happend.

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