My girlfriend is somewhat of a sadist.?

2009-02-25 12:05 pm
Ok so my gf is sadistic. Our sex life is more than great but ever since we started this relationship, she shown me a violent side of her that i never seen. I've known her since i was a sophomore and she was a freshman in high school. Now its 6 years later and here we are dating for 4 months strong. I heard that it usually starts off small like now (i.e. super hickeys and bites that leave deep teeth marks) and sometimes she'll punch my face and i'll punch her face back for fun ( NO! I don't hit her like she's a man) but i'm kinda worried that she's really more underneath and it's coming out. It's great in the beginning but these bites and hickeys are actually starting to hurt. Does anyone know a good approach to drop it down a notch?

回答 (7)

2009-02-25 12:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It sounds like she's very much into S&M, lol...she's just not told you about it.

It seems to me that you're going to have to sit her down, preferably in a neutral place (over a latte...not BR foreplay), and get this conversation going.

"Babe, I've noticed whenever we...."

"Snookums, sometimes it hurts when we...."

Then suggest a "code word" to be used as a signal that things are getting out of hand or too rough. At that point, the offending partner needs to/must stop what they're doing.

Couples usually choose a word or phrase to call out that cannot be confused or mistaken as a "time to stop" signal:



"George Bush" (ok, that one's a little over the top, but couldn't resist, lol). get the idea.
2009-02-25 12:10 pm
you can't take it??? move on.. there are plenty of us men willing to take what she is giving, and return the favour...

you need to take it up a notch... there are many things to REALLY turn her on with all that..;)
2009-02-25 12:10 pm
You have a WILD girl there lol. Not sure how to take it down a notch, unless you actually talk to her about it.
2016-11-10 12:33 pm
Sadistic Girlfriend
2016-02-19 5:52 pm
mine is too
2013-10-08 3:36 pm
i support abortion, but my dad doesn't, i once gone into a debate with my dad about abortion and said, but dad what if a under 18 boy made a under 18 girl pregnant, she can't go to university, and he said well, we should change university criterias then, and i said but as a guy i don't wanna carry the responsibility as a dad, and he said, well fine dump that girl, cos u can't carry, well i can. i'll take. and this is my advise to u, I'm a sexual sadist, i'd be more than happy to have a fight with her while we have sex
but seriously, if she gets too abusive which most of us wouldn't, but if she does, then do dump

also bear in mind that us sadists are mainly sexually attracted to people's reaction to pain, so u could actually act as if u are really hurt. so that she could enjoy the sex as much as u do, and u won't be hurt physically, so it'll be good if ur good at acting.
2009-02-25 12:12 pm
lolz she's not a sadist dear, if you have any doubts talk to her.
2009-02-25 12:10 pm
2009-02-25 12:17 pm
TARSEEN ...... bang on man .....shame on you....
參考: me
2009-02-25 12:14 pm
You may wish to soften the action but she clearly wants the opposite. Get out of this damaging relationship now. You will never be happy and she will only ever be happy with someone on her own level. You are both young and her trait will get worse, more serious and dangerous.

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