你驚我同你借錢? 做乜唔聽我既電話! 英語點講 ?

2009-02-26 2:41 am
這句廣東話用英文會係點樣寫 ?


回答 (7)

2009-02-26 6:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Why the hell you didn't answer my calls?
you thing I want to borrow money from you?
Note: 請搞清楚 lend 和 borrow 的分別.

2009-02-26 16:52:24 補充:
Typing error: 2nd line
You think I ......
Thnak you for reminding me!
參考: Own
2009-02-28 8:56 am
you were afraid that i would borrow money from you, werent you?
or else why didnt you receive my phone call!??
參考: take this as a reference
2009-02-26 12:55 pm
Why didn't you pick up my call? Are you afraid that I am going to ask you to lend money?
2009-02-26 3:36 am
You scared me with you to borrow money ? Occupation do not listen to both my phone
參考: me
2009-02-26 3:05 am
Why didn't you answer the phone? You thought that I was asking you for money? (or asking you to lend me money?) (or borrowing money from you?)
2009-02-26 2:51 am

Are you afraid that I want to lend you money? Why doesn't listen to my telephone!
2009-02-26 2:47 am

You are startled I to lend money with you? Does mie does not listen to my already telephone!

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