
2009-02-26 1:16 am
What can we do to educate our schoolmates on stop abandoning pests? Give 3 ways

回答 (3)

2009-02-26 2:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
Firstly, we can show our schoolmates pictures of those abandoned pets, what they become after being on the street, so that schoolmates will understand it is cruel to abandon pets.
Secondly, we can bring them to the SPCA (the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to the Animals) and arrange seminars to discuss what to do when we can no longer raise our pets.
Finally, we can visit vet clinics to see how diseased and disabled animals are treated, and educate our schoolmates to bring pets to see a veterinary doctor when pets are sick, instead of abandoning them.
2009-02-28 9:17 am
I love pests!
2009-02-26 1:36 am

1. Educating students to think twice when they decided to buy pets !!!
2. Governments advertise about the adverse impacts of abandoning pets !!!
3. Issuing laws to prohibit citizens in abandoning pets !!!

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