二手樓驗收, 有問題誰負責?

2009-02-25 8:21 pm
想問問, 當要驗收二手樓時, 發現窗邊有滲水跡象, 或其他地方有問題, 誰人有責任呢?
是否購買二手樓, 就要買家承擔此類風險?

回答 (4)

2009-02-27 11:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
一般來說, 買二手樓會有咁嘅風險(除非你睇好樓後, 在臨時買賣合約上加上條款保障自己
2009-02-27 5:17 am
Second hand property is normally sold on an "as is" basis. The property is sold and delivered to the purchaser in such physical condition as at the time the agreement is signed. It should be noted that sale on an "as is" basis does not protect the vendor from failure to disclose the existence of unauthorised alterations or structures affecting the property. Unless the purchaser accepts such unauthorised structures/alterations, the purchaser may challenge the title of the property on this basis.

2009-02-26 2:58 am
你睇樓時要睇清楚晒先. 落左訂個舊業主就睬你都傻 ka la. 你唔買又唔得喎. 唔通撻訂咩.
我上年剛買左樓. 又係二手樓. 去睇樓時有少許傢私雜物. 地板完好無缺. 點知到收樓個晚. 地板全部花晒. 應該係個舊業主搵人清間屋既時候. D 廢人拖 D 傢私出門口. 拖花晒地板.
之後我搵埋地產做証告上小額錢債案法庭. 咪一樣告唔入.
2009-02-25 8:41 pm
你可以要求賣方承擔維修費用(得唔得就視乎你ge牙力), 但係唔可以因此而拒絕成交
參考: my own experience

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