cannon power shot g10

2009-02-25 7:55 pm
What kinds of lenses and filtes can be adapted to Cannon's Power Shot G10 camera?

I need a zoom/ telephoto lens that ranges between 55mm to 300mm, and some color filters, polarizing filter (and maybe UV/ hazeful filter) for my Photography class.

Please let me know the product title and code with their prizes. Don't show me the website of camera's devices and supplies on Thanks.

I am not in Hong Kong, so I can just buy the stuff online for cheaper prices.

回答 (1)

2009-02-26 4:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你要咁實在嘅答覆就最好帶部機去旺角星際, 搵專賣鏡頭配件嘅鋪頭, 佢哋會選擇適合嘅配件俾你試, 講多無謂, 行動最實際!

2009-02-26 08:57:00 補充:

2009-02-27 12:20:15 補充:

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