chem ce07 paper2 問題..6條問題40分*

2009-02-25 10:19 am
sect A
#18就有個疑問..bromine同iodine係水入面就可以叫做brown啦..但係佢打d chlorine入去..點解又會變brown? 我點諗chlorine都係得yellow或者greenish-yellow..何brown之有?
#28sulthur係molten state有mobile ions..但係又唔傳電..係咪因為佢唔係ionic structure?

sect B
#38選擇C係neutralization..出既只係PbSO4同水..咁方便..唔係唔係most suitable呢? 反之D..acid同nitrate既reaction可唔可以俾條formula??
#43NH4NO3..點會冇intermolecular force? 仲有..佢都冇metal同non-metal form既bond..又點會有ionic bond呢?

我搵到#11既ans喇: D + 2J → R + 2Y Mass of reactants reacted = (d + j) g Mass of products formed = (r + y) g Since (Mass of reactants reacted) = (Mass of products formed) d + j = r + y Hence, y = d + j - r 即係 2j 或者 2r 呢d數係fake人既..

回答 (1)

2009-02-25 5:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案

19. (not 18)
The answer is A.

No brown colour is formed.
2Ca(OH)2 + 2Cl2 → CaCl2­ + Ca(OCl)2 + 2H2O
In aqueous solution, all products are colourless.

The solution turns brown.
2I- + Cl2 → I2 + 2Cl-
I-(aq) is colourless (not brown), and I2(aq) is brown.

The solution turns yellowish brown.
2Fe2+ + Cl2 → 2Fe3+ + 2Cl-
Fe2+(aq) is pale green, and Fe3+(aq) is yellowish brown.
(If Fe3+(aq) is dilute, the solution will be yellow.)

The solution turns brown.
2Br- + Cl2 → Br2 + 2Cl-
Br-(aq) is colourless (not brown), and Br2(aq) is brown.

Sulphur is a non-metal, which has simple molecular structure. Sulphur cannot conduct electricity in both solid and liquid states.

H2(g) is a fuel, but O2 is NOT. O2 is not a fuel, because it cannot burn but it can support burning only. That means a fuel can burn in O2(g), but O2(g) does not burn.

C is not a suitable method.
PbO(s) + H2SO4(aq) → PbSO4(s) + H2O(l)
PbSO4 formed is not soluble in water, and it will form a solid layer to cover the PbO reactant. Therefore, after a short period of time, the PbSO4 layer would separate the two reactants: PbO and H2SO4. Consequently, the reaction stops.

D is suitable, because only a precipitate of lead(II) sulphate is formed.
Pb2+(aq) + SO42-(aq) → PbSO4(s)
OR: Pb(NO3)2(aq) + H2SO4(aq) → PbSO4(s) + 2HNO3(aq)

Ammonium nitrate is an ionic compound.
Almost all common cations are metal ions, but ammonium ion (NH4+) is an exception. Ammonium nitrate is ionic compound which contains NH4+ and NO3- ions.

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