I like this girl, how can I get her to like me?

2009-02-25 2:58 am
I was in my math class, and this girl walks into my class. She came from another school. She is very beautiful, and I love the way she is.

I think I am pretty good looking. I've been told that I am cute. I am 6 feet, 17.

This girl is 17 as well. help!

I was in my math class, and this girl walks into my class. She came from another school. She is very beautiful, and I love the way she is. I think I am pretty good looking. I've been told that I am cute. I am 6 feet, 17. This girl is 17 as well. help! O I'm sorry. I had forgotten to add. I have been talking to her in class. it's just confusing. cuz Idk if she does seem interested in me or not. But we talk really kool. I help her with math. but I have no idea. help!

回答 (2)

2009-03-03 9:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Just continue doing what you're doing: talking to her. Start expanding the talk beyond maths to your interests, hobbies, movies, family, etc. Basically, just make her a friend... easy as that. If she doesn't like you, she'll distance herself from you. If she doesn't distance herself, ask her out on a date one day.
2009-02-25 11:04 am
duh, try using the mouth on your face and talk to her
or whip it out

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