I cannot change the Setting to 1024x768 pixel. Can someone help solve this?

2009-02-24 6:35 pm
I just reformatted a new hard drive & installed MS XP Pro. The pixel setting is now 800x600. When I move the slide rule to minimize the size and enter "Apply," the screen goes black & I get a notice that reads, "Input Not Supported." I can't reduce the images & text to more manageable size. Can someone suggest a solution, please?

回答 (8)

2009-02-24 6:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Maybe you need to get the proper driver for your video card.
2016-03-01 5:48 pm
2017-03-22 12:40 am
Ask one of the Muslims that you put on a pedestal.
2016-11-12 4:00 pm
You play with little boys sticks you disgusting pig. And you try to bang in the behind. Sorry that you suffer from Down Syndrome. You smell like you suffer from Pancreatic cancer. You disgusting pig.
2016-11-26 5:01 pm
I support killing animal loving terrorists by beheading them, DO YOU?
2016-09-24 5:52 pm
Do not help this man he obviously want to use the camera for beasty stuff as he just gave a relentless defence of Michael Jackson, this man is a serial sex offender with the most dispicable script I have ever recovered, I have sent a copy to your local authority you sick piece of sh!t, how do you sleep at night you preditor fvck, you dirty dirty peadophilic cvnt I hope you burn in hell, I've also made public all your other profiles attached to your java script expect the G.O.C at your door *** bag
2009-02-24 6:40 pm
Sounds like you need graphics drivers. Find out what graphics you have and go to the manufacturer's site. You should be able to download the drivers there.
2009-02-24 6:41 pm
Download the latest driver from the screen manufacturer

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