that 和 which的分別

2009-02-25 4:37 am
The news that the department would be dismissed surprised us.
I cannot believe the fact that my best friend betrayed me.
可唔可以用which 代替??

我知到有D 情況下只可用THAT而唔可以用which, 例如:
I know that he is telling lies to me.
因為前面係VERD, 所以唔可以用which

Mrs Arroyo owns a condominium unit in a building which, unknown to her , was constructed by a property firm in which the Brodett family has a stake.

我想知以上這一句中的第一個which 代表咩??
仲有第二個which 為何可以跟in 一起 ??

還有是不是有","時就用WHICH? 無","時就用THAT 呢??

1.This hotel supports he National Citizen's Crime Prevention Campaign which aims to take the bite out of crime with the help of the American Hotel & Motel Association.<<<咁呢個which又可唔可以用THAT 代替???


2.The story which he told me is really touching.<<<咁呢個which又可唔可以用THAT 代替???WHY???


3.Another factor which affected students was that many schools closed down due to a lack of government funds to support the normal operations of the schools.

回答 (1)

2009-02-25 5:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) "THAT"
Well....basically...."That" is the term used to signify a noun by pointing it out as "that"

Usually, we use "that" with restrictive clauses. A restrictive clause is one that restricts the identity of the subject in some way. When writing a restrictive clause, introduce it with the word "that" and no comma. But then, if the subject is or was a human being, use "who" to introduce the clause instead.

For example:
"The mirror that was hanging in the bathroom was broken."

Why do we use "that" instead of "which" in this situation?
Well.....the use of "that" in this sentence is correct if the reader intends to single out the mirror that was in the bathroom as the broken mirror. However, if there were several mirrors, this use would be incorrect, since it would mislead the reader into believing that there had been only one mirror in the bathroom.

2) "WHICH"
And "which" is the term used to extract the correct information from someone who knows what "that" is

We usually use "which" with nonrestrictive clauses. A nonrestrictive clause may tell us something interesting or incidental about a subject, but it doesn't define that subject. When writing a nonrestrictive clause, introduce it with "which" and insert commas around the clause. But then, if the subject is or was a human being, use "who" to introduce the clause and insert commas around the clause.

2009-02-25 09:06:30 補充:
For example:
"The mirror, which was hanging in the bathroom, was broken."

2009-02-25 09:06:47 補充:
Why do we use "which" instead of "that" in this situation?
Well.....while this nonrestrictive use tells us that the mirror was hanging in the bathroom, it doesn't tell us which of the several mirrors in the bathroom was the broken mirror.

2009-02-25 09:07:03 補充:
Therefore, it would be incorrect to use this nonrestrictive clause if there had been only one mirror in the bathroom, as the sentence leaves open the possibility that there were others.

Hope it helps~ ^_^

2009-02-25 13:55:13 補充:
1.This hotel supports the National Citizen's Crime Prevention Campaign which aims to take the bite out of crime with the help of the American Hotel & Motel Association.<<<咁呢個which又可唔可以用THAT 代替???

Ans: you can.... but "which" fits better in this case

2009-02-25 13:58:20 補充:
2.The story which he told me is really touching.<<<咁呢個which又可唔可以用THAT 代替???WHY???
Ans: in this can use "which" or "that" ....they work fine ^_^...

2009-02-25 14:11:38 補充:
For 3--->
Ans: this one is good....don't use "that" in this sentence....cause you already used it.....also....the last part you can change to "to support its normal operations." since you already stated that it was of the school's
參考: 自己..... 10 幾年在加拿大生活所得的經驗

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