
2009-02-25 3:39 am
我想問一下藥名: Librax 是什麼藥,是腸胃藥定係鎮定劑????因為我 search到唔同的答案.Thanks~~急急急急~~~Thanks!!!!!

回答 (4)

2009-02-25 8:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Chlordiazepoxide, is a sedative/hypnotic drug which is a benzodiazepine derivative and is marketed under the trade name Librax. It has a medium to long half life but its active metabolite has a very long half life. Chlordiazepoxide has amnestic, anxiolytic, hypnotic and skeletal muscle relaxant properties.
Chlordiazepoxide acts on benzodiazepine subreceptors of the main GABAA receptor and this results in an increased binding of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA to the GABAA receptor thereby producing inhibitory effects on the central nervous system and body similar to the effects of other benzodiazepines.[6] Chlordiazepoxide is anticonvulsant.[7]There is preferential storage of chlordiazepoxide in some organsincluding the heart of the neonate. Absorption by any administeredroute and the risk of accumulation is significantly increased in theneonate. The withdrawal of chlordiazepoxide during pregnancy and breastfeeding is recommended, as chlordiazepoxide rapidly crosses theplacenta and also is excreted in breast milk.[8] Chlordiazepoxide also decreases prolactin release in rats.[9] Benzodiazepines act via micromolar benzodiazepine binding sites as Ca2+ channel blockers and significantly inhibit depolarization-sensitive Calcium uptake in animal nerve terminal preparations. [10] Chlordiazepoxide inhibits acetylcholine release in mouse hippocampal synaptosomes in vivo. This has been found by measuring sodium-dependent high affinity choline uptake in vitro after pretreatment of the mice in vivo with chlordiazepoxide. This may play a role in chlordiazepoxide's anticonvulsant properties.[11]
2009-10-17 8:54 am
pls read this 1 (question and detail answer)

2009-02-25 4:06 am
1998年度諾貝爾醫學得主LOUISIGNARRO 博土研發NITEWORKS夜寧新。



  ◆ 強化血管及全身血液迴圈,促進心臟,大腦及微循環的運作。
  ◆ 促進心血管系統的健康,以維持健康的血脈機能,改善高血壓、動脈硬
  ◆ 刺激血管新生,明顯改善糖尿病患者的視力和四肢壞死及血糖過高。
  ◆ 因腦供血不足引起的頭痛頭昏和睡眠不佳以及記憶力衰退。
  ◆ 降低血膽固醇,尤其是壞膽固醇(LDL)。
  ◆ 強力抗氧化,抑制癌細胞的生長。
  ◆ 推遲更年期的到來、改善絕經婦女的陰道乾燥症。
  ◆ 男性性功能低下。 
◆ 胃潰瘍或皮膚有傷口不容易癒合。


我做文職, 133磅, 160CM用咗簡單經濟既方法!減左20磅, 改善頭痛,胃痛, 暈車浪,靜脈曲脹,越來越fit!面色仲好過以前!

我個女14歲從小到大肥胖,都係用呢個方法一個月減10磅, 三個月減20磅,改善流鼻血鼻敏感, , 暗瘡好咗,讀書好咗, 仲拿第一添.

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Msn: [email protected] 阿May
2009-02-25 4:05 am
you can go to香
參考: me

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