Grammar 有冇錯, 岩唔岩

2009-02-25 1:58 am
We will eat pizza on next monday

They eat chiken on Sunday morning.

Your buy notebook on thusday night.

I have eaten beef on morning.

I will go Swimming on tonight.

What are you doing at home

What are you doing in room

Mary goes to bed six at o' click past 45 mintes

Chris is waiting for his wife at the bus stop.

回答 (3)

2009-02-25 2:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
We will eat pizza on next monday

They eat chiken on Sunday morning.

Your buy notebook on thusday night.(Your轉You)

I have eaten beef on morning.(唔係on morning 係in the morning)

I will go Swimming on tonight.(係at night唔係on tonight)

What are you doing at home

What are you doing in room

Mary goes to bed six at o' click past 45 mintes(係at six o'clock past45 mintes)

Chris is waiting for his wife at the bus stop.
2009-02-27 1:30 am
1.We will eat eat pizza on THE next monday

2.They ATE chicken on Sunday morning

3.Your buy notebook on thusday night.

4.I ATE beef on THE morning.
*(有註明時間不可以用present perfect)

5.I will go swimming tonight)

6.What are you doing in THE room

2009-02-26 17:32:09 補充:
3.YOU buy notebook on thusday night

2009-02-26 17:33:27 補充:
I ATE beef IN THE morning.
2009-02-25 2:35 am
1. We will eat pizza next monday. (冇on)

2. They ate chicken on Sunday morning. (過去式)

3. You bought notebook on thusday night. (not your, 過去式)

4. I ate beef in the morning. (過去式)

5. I will go Swimming tonight. (冇on)

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