想讀Master of Finance, 邊間香港大學最好?

2009-02-24 8:03 pm
我2008年尾o係 University of Melbourne 畢業, 我讀Bachelor of Commerce, major in Accounting and Finance. 我宜家番左黎香港,想o係香港讀Master of Finance. 但我見到有部分大學要求工作經驗又或者要考Gmat (CU)

我只有1個月o係KPMG做Intern o既工作經驗,都冇考Gmat (不過如有需要可以立即考) 所以我想請問:
第一,以我o既資格,可以報邊間o既 Master of Finance? 同邊間比較適合我?
第二,我報到o既 Master of Finance 入面,邊間係最好?

P.S. 我成績平平,Average ~ 70


回答 (3)

2009-02-24 8:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實中大個個先要考 GMAT ...

HKU ... CityU ...PolyU 都冇呢個要求....但你有埋咪多樣野可以俾人考慮law....都好既

當中我覺得hku 個個其實唔錯...佢有晒step ..時間表去俾msc finance 既學生....佢地個時間list 晒幾時apply cfa ... 其時考level 1 ...

基本上hku 個個係度身為 cfa 而設計咁...等d 學生可以一畢業個時就cfa + master 一齊拿....我覺得唔錯...

而polyu 佢分左兩邊....一邊係 wealth management ... 一邊係 investment management ...你要諗下自己對邊邊多興趣d 啦....

我覺得你可以try 下hku 個個Ar
2009-03-01 8:34 pm
S S ....................................SO SO
2009-02-25 12:31 am
you may try OUHK - Master of Financial Services
Programme-specific entry requirements:
(a) a degree (or equivalent) in business or a business-related area from a tertiary institution recognized by the University for the purpose; or
(b) a degree (or equivalent) in a non-business area from a tertiary institution recognized by the University for the purpose, plus three years of supervisory/managerial experience; or
(c) an OUHK Postgraduate Certificate in Business Administration (PCBA) qualification (or its equivalent).
參考: www.ouhk.edu.hk

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