
2009-02-24 7:46 am
急急急 !!
本人於上年年中售出了一個手袋, 於數個月後收到律師信, 信中說本人售賣之手袋的開關製款式是某名牌子註冊了, 並附上和解信, 要求本人賠償某個金額,
本人覺得很無奈及無辜, 全個手袋是一個非常普通之手袋, 沒有任何牌子LOGO, 因該個手袋之開關製亦是一個非常普通之款式, 再者亦沒有任何牌子LOGO刻上, 本人根本不知情 亦無可能知道這樣一個無任何牌子LOGO普通手袋, 是用了一個有註冊開關製款式, 而觸犯法律, 本人為一個正當商人, 絕不會賣冒牌貨, 但竟然這樣會觸犯法律, 我當時亦問過朋友, 朋友說根本不用理會, 他們根本不夠証據告你, 我當時亦沒有理會, 而這樣子過了半年, 本人以為已經無事,但最近收到律師行電話, 問我會否和解及賠償, 否則會出信排期到高等法院告我, 到這階段, 我可做什麼呢 ? 是否他們只是嚇我呢 ? 還是照樣不用理會他們呢 ?

回答 (2)

2009-03-05 8:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. If you are a trader and the handbag is not manufactured by you, you should contact your vendor. The vendor will share your liability.
2. If you are talking only one handbag and not an order of many handbags, the story is totally different and your liability is only minimal.
3. What is the amount of claims they are asking for? If it is a big sum, then you should now find a lawyer to handle the case for you. Listen to the lawyer the chance you will win.
4. I guess the chance to high court is not high. It will take a long time and high legal fee. You should contact them and compromise.
5. The most important is - you are not breaking a law! If you did, it is not the government/the Customs to suit you and it will be a criminal case. Based on your information provided, it is only a civil case - a commercial dispute!
*** So long as you are a honest merchant, you should be OK! Take it easy. Trust the law.
2009-03-07 4:41 pm
Call up the lawyer to find out if the letter is true. Consult with the police.

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