Is it Correct ?

2009-02-24 7:11 am
we will see you on next week


回答 (3)

2009-02-24 6:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
We will see you (on) next week.
(no preposition before "next", indeed, next itself is prep)
You may use prep. under the following form:
We will see you on 1st March 2009.
We will see you at the MTR station. (實物名詞前可用preposition "at".)

參考: Own
2009-02-24 7:16 am
可以唔要"on" : we will see you next week
2009-02-24 7:15 am
因為 next之前不可以加 prep.
參考: 自已

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