Pentium D 930 能否支 250GB 硬碟

2009-02-24 3:29 am
請問 Pentium D 930 能否 support 250GB Hard Disk,為何
在安裝 window 時只看到 131GB 之磁碟容量。

回答 (2)

2009-02-24 4:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
能否支援250GB HARDDISK不在乎CPU的型號,主要關鍵是底板和WINDOW的VERSION。照閣下的情況,關鍵在於WINDOW的VERSION。事關WINDOW XP SP1或之前的VERSION只可支援到131GB的HARDDISK,這是一個無法改善的死症,唯一方法是升級WINDOW到XP SP2或以後的VERSION。
2009-02-24 10:58 am
能 support 250GB Hard Disk, said. AT the "blue screen" create partition for Drive C:\ windows. for 100GB.. Don't worries about the 150GB for now.

Then, START>>
Control Panel>>
Administrative Tools>>
Computer Management>>
Select "Disk Management"
At Disk 0. You will see the approx 150GB. Now, You can assign the Size in there. for D: E: F: etc..
參考: MCSE

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