✔ 最佳答案
HI, let me explain your questions breifly , see can help you or not
1. You got full certificate (HKCEE 5 passes or not?) hong kong is changing to 3-3-4 , no more HKCEE and HKALE. from a U.K. Edu system to a U.S. edu system, so do not waste time in Diploma or Asso anymore....or i ask you a question, how many HKUSPACE student can going back to HKU honestly....
2. Only Part time University Degree have a high % apply Local University degree as between University will have credit trasnfer. it also depends on your grade and result.
3. If some Dip told you work experience can meet the entry requiremtn, those Diploma must not approve by Hong Kong government.
4. Sure 3 years, but also the same, the chance is so little....
5. Honestly do not lat toop long to graduate in a Bachelor Degree, you tihnk about it, in other country, student 17 years old same as your HKCEE ages, can go to University Year 1, why you need 5-6 years to finish a Degree in Hong Kong? and Hong Kong changing to 3-3-4 now. you can start from foundation program , then go to University year 1 and use 3 years to gradaute, this also 3 years time. better than you use 5-6 years for a Top Up Degree....
除了本地大學有提供工商管理學位課程外,美國上愛荷華大學 ( Upper Iowa University,簡稱UIU ) 亦在港開辦工商管理專業學位課程。完成心理學專業學位課程的同學,可繼續升讀碩士課程,UIU於1857年創校,其學士學位課程共提供7個主修科目選擇,包括會計學、管理學、財務學、心理學、市場學、電腦科學及資訊系統管理學。各項課程已獲香港教統局審批註冊,並取得美國高等教育委員會官方認可資格。課程採用甚具彈性的學分制,分別設有日間和夜間課程。學員只須修畢120個學分並達到成績標準便可畢業,學生亦可利用寒假及暑假時間照常上課,藉此縮短修讀的時間,最快可於兩年完成。
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