有關Account income tax的問題

2009-02-23 3:12 pm
What does income tax mean?
income tax通常有一個percentage比...
如果財政年度終結時,公司係蝕錢,咁仲駛唔駛比income tax?


回答 (2)

2009-02-23 11:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
First of all, corporation does not pay income tax at all as income tax is for personal only. Income tax means a tax on taxable income, which is calculated based on different qualifying income minus qualifying exemption.

For corporation, it is called profit tax or corporation tax.

A corporation losing money in the year does not mean no tax liability. Taxable profit is based on qualifying profit minus qualifying expenditure. Therefore, there is a possibility that a corporation made loss and still liable for tax because the loss is not qualified for deduction.

2009-03-22 5:33 am
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