Do you believe that Korea or Outer Mongolia will be absorbed into the China and made Chinese provinces?

2009-02-22 9:09 am
Please explain your answer. Also, if yes, when do you believe it will occur, how many decades?

Question written on February 22, 2009

Also, why did China never conquer the Korean peninsula previously in your opinion?


China only intervened in the Korean War after North Korea started a war with South Korea and after the US got involved and pushed the North Koreans back. China claims the rights to reintegrate these territories, these territories are considered historically to be part of China from what I understand: 1. Inner Mongolia (Taiwan, otherwise called the Republic of China, sees Outer Mongolia as part of China) 2. Xinjiang Province 3. Tibet 4. Hong Kong 5. Taiwan

回答 (8)

2009-02-22 11:08 am
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We are not living in 1949 or 1959, the time in which China just went and occupied Xinjiang and Tibet. Even after 50 long years they have found it difficult for people of these regions a hard nut to crack. Trying its hands on Mongolia or Korea will be simply a disaster that they can't simply handle.

Why didn't they conquer Korea? Because they knew that Korea was not Tibet. They could put up as tough a fight as Chinese wanted. It would have been Vietnam of China. A clear victory was simply impossible.

Yes, they claim various portions of Korea for them - boundary disputes.
2009-02-24 10:01 am
There are so many mis-informed answers...

China as an kingdom never conquored Korea/Koreans. At the height of Chinese Dynasties, they were a state that would subordinate to the kingdom but never conqueored.

China never invaded Korea during Korean war. China only entered the Korean war after the U.S alliance tropps crossed Yalu river which in turn gave the Chinese army an excuse to fight back to the 38th parallel where it divides Korean today.

China never claimed territories in Korea Today or South of Yalu River. The Manchu Empire might have.

Outer Mongolia is a totally different case. It was controlled under the Manchu empire and it was PRC territory until the U.S.S.R figured out a way to dvide China up. In fact, many of the land today in Xinjing and Serbia were once the land of Manchu empire. At the end of the Empire, when all the major industrialized nations were busy pilleaging China, Russia took away as much lands as they could from China. That is why most native Serbian you see today doesn't look Russian at all.

I don't believe China will absorb outer Mongolia any time soon. It is a land locked nation of 10 Million and very poor. The only way that I can see that happening is they volunteerily joining China. I don't see that happening anytime soon.
2009-02-24 10:11 am
Yes I do.

My ancestors used to rule those lands and now we are part of the Greater Chinese family, we should recover those lands. Personally, I could care less for Korea. They can keep their little lands as a buffer between us and Japan. I would like to the lands that were stolen from us back. Part of Serbia should be ourselves as well.

All of those above were once part of the Manchu empire and therefore should be part of the Chinese Kingdom today.
2009-02-24 2:36 am
No, Korea will never be absorbed into China. If it was to happen, it would've have happened way back in history. Korea has always been recognized by the Chinese as a different nation/country since way back in history. If you read Chinese history books, they are referred to as 高麗族 or 朝鮮族. There were attempts to conquer Korea throughout history back then, not just by the Chinese, but also the Mongolians and Japanese. The Chinese is not going to invade Korea now, there is no reason to. Korea was never a part of China and China doesn't need to "reclaim" the territory.

Mongolia has always been a part of the Chinese history, whether it's invaders coming into China (and vice versa) or Chinese people exiling into Mongolia. During the Qing dynasty, the Manchurians (Chinese) conquered Mongolia and divided it Inner (south) and Outer Mongolia (north), and the Chinese controlled Inner Mongolia only. This is why China is claiming the right to reintegrate Inner Mongolia and not Outer Mongolia.
2009-03-02 3:49 pm
It won't happen
2009-02-22 9:59 pm
At first, China conquered Korean peninsula ever.
before Tang,Chinese tried to invade Korean peninsula several times, but all almost failed. until Tang dynasty, Korean peninsula was conquered successfully by chinese. from then on, korea was always a dependency of china.
Xinjiang,Tibet were conquered by Mongolian.
Mongolian found yuan empire, territory included whole Mongolia(Inner Mongolia and Outer Mongolia).
Chinese only inherited that territory legally.
2009-02-23 7:06 am
if you are talking about future -- no, Korea and Mongolia are separate countries and there is no need for Chinese government to take care of them...
you see, having territories means having the responsibility over the land and people... in addition to that Korea and Mondolia are settled by totally other nations with different culture...
they don't use Chinese characters and they never were a part of Chinese Kindgom...
therefore, they will always be on their own...
2009-02-22 9:41 pm
No. Invasion of N.Korea would result in nuclear war. Invasion of S.Korea would also lead to nuclear war from the US. The US is never going to allow China to invade S.Korea. Finally, China would never invade either country simply for economic reasons.
Mongolia is not an economic risk but they would not invade still. Mongolia was part of China and Russia until the 1970's when it was given independance by both parties to create a buffer between the two countries, so no, it wouldn't be invaded as it will continue to serve it's purpose as a buffer.
As per "Why didn't they invade Korea", the answer is they did. Korean war. China only allowed N.Korea to keep independance so they could have an indirect war with America. If they had taken it it would've been a full on US / Chinese war which neither side wanted. If it wasn't for US intervention, Korea would be another province of China just like Tibet or Xinjiang etc..

EDIT: Elena is Chinese but depressingly has no idea about her history. Both Mongolia and Korea were once ruled by China. Ps. Elena, Xinjiang is a different culture and never belonged to China. How do you resolve that?

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