
2009-02-23 7:11 am
如果約普通朋友而不是男女朋友, 英文應該怎樣說? 用date這個字好似指男女朋友那種, 用appointment又好似那些很正規的會面. Native speakers 會點講 : "我今晚約咗朋友出街" 呢?

回答 (3)

2009-02-23 9:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果約普通朋友而不是男女朋友, 英文應該怎樣說? 用date這個字好似指男女朋友那種, 用appointment又好似那些很正規的會面. Native speakers 會點講 : "我今晚約咗朋友出街" 呢?

1) I am going to hang out with XXX this evening/ tonight.

2) I am going to meet XXX for dinner this evening/ tonight.

3) I am gonna meet XXX tonight.
4) I will be meeting xxx tonight.

5) XXX( <- someone here) is gonna hang out with me tonight.

6) XXX and I will be verb+ing ( action here) this evening/tonight.

7) I'm goin' out with xxxx this evening.

In this case, you don't need to say

"to have an appointment with someone"<--( too formal)

gonna = going to ( American word) goin' = going

2009-02-23 7:21 pm
You are right, both "date" & "appointment" are not suitable.
Normally, we would say: (between old buddies.)
1) Shall we go for dinner tonight?
2) How about to join Ricky in the pub tonight?
字句中並無約會這字, 但肯定任何人明白!
參考: Own
2009-02-23 7:37 am
我今晚約咗朋友出街= I am going out with my friend tonight.

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