
2009-02-23 5:07 am
5.出到外面乘升降機到地下,沿停車場出到外面,會有一天橋,走過天橋就會看見巴士站,然後乘坐 111跑巴士,就可以了!


回答 (2)

2009-02-25 7:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. u can go straight to the stairs, u will see it on the 2nd (second) floor.
2. it is far away, you need to take the MTR/railway/bus to XXX station and then ask someone again.
3. it is not too far (or ... it is near us), just go straight to the corner and turn left. around 1 min. walking.
4. sorry, i'm not sure, I never go to.
5. you can take the escalator to the ground floor, pass through the parking lot/area, then u will see a flyover (u also can use bridge), walk across it, you will see the bus station, then take the bus no. 111. that's it!
if u have any queries, u can e-mail to me. takecare.
參考: living in USA
2009-02-23 5:26 am
1. There is a stair in front, go up the stair then you can find it.
2. It's quite far away from here, you need to take MTR or bus, when you reach xxx station you better ask someone else there!
3.You can reach there on foot, go straight then turn left, walk about one minute and you will reach there.
4. Sorry, I am not sure about this place because I have never been there before.
5. Go outside and take the lift to Ground floor, walk through the parking area to ourside, there is a flyover, pass the flyover you can see the bus stop, take No. 111 bus will do.
參考: myself

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