英 語 會 話

2009-02-23 2:45 am
同一個外國人傾傾下先知原來佢趕時間要走. 如果我想說: "那我不耽誤你了, 下次再談吧!" <--- (應該點講呢??)

想問下個外國人係邊度人, 應該點問??
但是如果他已住在 HK 7 年, 又或者佢係在 HK 長大, 咁佢可能會答自己係 HK 人. 所以問佢 What's your nationality / Where did you come from 應該唔o岩, 是不是??

回答 (3)

2009-02-25 7:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
Q1. Alright, then I don't hold you for a longer time, talk to you next time.
Q2. where is your hometown?
hope it can help.
參考: living in USA
2009-02-23 4:44 am
1. 其實有好多方法去講的,可以睇你同那個人熟唔熟。
"impede" 有點 formal,唔係咁口語化,除非係喺一個 formal 既情況下

"oh, I'm so sorry to hold you up, please run along, I'll catch up with you later"

"please go ahead, we'll chat next time"

2. 最簡單係:"where are you from?" 通常被問的人都會在此講佢係英國人,若是你知但對方無講係喺 HK 出世,咁可能係同你唔係好熟唔想講太多。再追問就唔係咁好了~

3. 如果已問了第二題,而人哋亦答了你,就無需要再問佢係乜國籍 e.g. I'm from UK 就當然是英國人嘛~

^ ^
2009-02-23 2:56 am
I'm sorry , I don't know you hurry in time , let chat next time . bye

What's your nationality / Where are you from ?
是 o岩 的!

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