plan 理財計劃

2009-02-23 12:34 am

回答 (6)

2009-02-25 2:31 am
1) 低低風險 : 銀行零存整付.
2) 低風險 : 保證蓄儲計劃.
3) 人民幣債券, 有汇對風險,
4) 月供基金, 風險因基金選擇性而定.
如需其他資料可email to me!
2009-02-24 11:28 pm

http://hankyu-wk-investment.blogspot .com/2008/04/ifa.html
2009-02-24 10:28 pm
I know Cantonese but I don't know how to type Chinese. U can call me directly so I talk to you with Cantonese.

First of all, I appreciate you very much since you have a good mind set in
saving money, there is seldom young ppl like you.

If your income is around $17000, there is some steps you need to consider first and then I can suggest you what the planning.

1) Is your job stable?
2) Is your financial status stable? (That means you no need repay the mortgage? No need repay grant-loan? Or any other financial needs?)
3) How much surplus do you have each month?
4) What is the expenses?
5) All the things about retirement, long-term saving you need to think.
6) All the things about short-term financial status you need to think.
7) The investment attitude, experience and etc.

There is more then seven questions you need to consider!!! If you give me a chance to consult you, I will ask you more and more questions.

From the superior, you are young and with quite attractive salary. In the typical case like you, you may have a lot of surplus around $7000 to $10000, and have a quite stable financial status. Also you can
withstand a high volatility. So you can have stocks, funds in your porfolio about 40% and 60% to 60% and 40% base on your investment attitude.

You know the term of 理財計畫? Nice!! But I hope that you can know all the terms thoroughly and facilitate in your financial planning. There is so many so call " financial consultant" and the IFA company,
I also one of the consultants, but not all of them are professional enough. If you want to have a 理財計畫, you can call me and I can analysis for you, I also have other investment tools, e.g. equity, options, forex. If you want to be one of the "consultant", I can teach you, of course you no need resign your company, I just want I can see someone is professional. I am a MBA and I have study this field for a long time.

Hope can help you.
2009-02-24 9:10 pm
1. 股票要財務穩健及派息可觀。以前大家都睇匯豐銀行(005)不過依家就坐哂艇。大陸股又怕中央政策一時一樣,兼且派息低。公共股又被人嘈話佢暴利,真係唔知有邊隻得!
2. 以你剛出嚟做,又有金融風暴,份工可以做幾耐又唔知,做保險一斷供就渣都無,所以唔建議。
3. 你不如儲錢買樓,第日都有個自己嘅竇,祇要買啲穩陣嘅大屋苑,咁又唔會點死。你租出去有息收,自己貼小小,會唔會穩陣呢?
4. 其他投資工具唔熟唔做。
2009-02-24 6:05 am
您似乎是想作低風險的投資。您明白何為「理財」嗎?您可知「投資」只是「理財」的一部份嗎?您有目標(例如 5 年內儲 50萬、10 年內置業、30 年後退休等)嗎?您明白有了目標後才能定立計劃嗎?您理解理財金字塔嗎?您可找些理財顧問給您解釋的。
2009-02-23 6:54 am
基金投資儲蓄計劃比較適當,風險較低,平均每年9%回報,沒有保險成份,市面上有不同金融機構(AVIVA,ZURICH國際,AIA,美國萬通,保誠, 宏利.....等等) 有不同計劃,可比較計劃彈性,收費,基金選擇多小,專業意見及管理都是重要的. 我自己用ZURICH國際儲蓄計劃的.彈性大. 可email我了解多-些資訊.

本 人 參 與 財 經 通 樂 的 嘉 賓 主 持, 如 有 時 間, 可 以 聽 聽 了 解 多 一 些 基 金 種 類, 結 構 , 投 資 者 保 障 及 對 沖 基 金 簡 述 等 知 識.

節目日期 20/11/08 節目描述 - 神基妙算

NY sir, email:

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