first derivative of e^-x

2009-02-23 12:30 am
plz so confused....><"

according to my notes.... the first derivative of e^-x is -e^-x
but!! e represent a normal number,, right? then wouldn't it make the 1st derivative -xe^-x-1 ??

so....what about the second derivative?

回答 (2)

2009-02-23 1:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
You are confused because your concept is not clear and using the derivative formula of x^n into the wrong place
d/dx (x^n)=nx^(n-1) and notice that the base x is the variable !!
However e is a natural number (constant), so the previous formula does not hold !
The correct derivative formula of a^x is (a^x)lna and for a=e, the formula becomes f'(e^x)=e^x
Using chain rule f'(e^(-x))=d/d(-x)[e^(-x)]d(-x)/dx=-e^(-x)
2009-02-23 1:34 am
e is the natural number.

d/dx (e^x) = e^x

By chain rule,
d/dx (e^-x)
= d/d(-x) (e^-x) * d/dx (-x)
= (e^-x) * (-1)
= - e^-x
參考: Myself

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