
2009-02-22 11:21 pm
想請問我申請美國旅遊簽證,(B1/B2)十年有效期的, 可否話我知, 每次我可以逗留多久, 最多六個月呢, 若到期後, 可否入加國境內再回美國. 謝謝

回答 (2)

2009-02-23 12:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
Basically, a multiple entry B1/B2 allows you to stay in the United States for no longer than 6 months. Although extension may be granted, but only in special circumstances (for instance, family and medical issues).

If you want to use the Canada-United States, you will have to get prepared for denial of admission because such move can be considered as an intention to stay. In you fall under that situation, it will be even more difficult for you to re-entry the United States.

Why don't you trying to tell us why you want that and see if there is anyone can help you?

2009-02-22 11:32 pm

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