
2009-02-22 9:53 pm
我今年F.5, 想去美國/加拿大做一年交換生,之後以海外生身份考香港的大學,得唔得??成功的機會有幾大?

回答 (2)

2009-02-23 11:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Not much.

In order to qualify non-jupas admission, you must be able to provide relevant education qualification in order to be processed.

For instance, they must have a transcript to prove you have graduated from high school (not attended), and with standardized test score.

Even the place you have exchanged may be a college. But still you have to be educated for a lengthy time (at least 2 years) in order to be considered for transfer.

2009-02-22 10:00 pm
I was an exchange student in the US when I ve done F.6, yes you CAN futher your studies after the exchange year, but the point is it depends on the high school to give you a cerified of high school graduated. and of course, you need to get a decent grade from high school. However, it is a very very good experience anyway, it worths!

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