Solve for A ... Help - 10 points...?

2009-02-21 2:51 pm
2/3A = 8 + 4A

Answer is -2.4 according to this webpage, can you show me
how they got that? Thanks! 10 points for help!

回答 (4)

2009-02-21 3:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A= -24/10= -2.4
2009-02-21 3:49 pm
2/3(A) = 8 + 4A
2A/3 = 8 + 4A
2A = 3(8 + 4A)
2A = 3*8 + 3*4A
2A = 24 + 12A
2A - 12A = 24
-10A = 24
A = 24/-10
A = -12/5 (-2.4)
2009-02-21 3:10 pm
Here is what you do:

1) Put everything on one side using +/-, as follows:

(2/3)a - 4a = 8

2) Next, let's multiply the whole equation by 3, so we can get rid of that nasty fraction!

2a - 12a = 24 Oh! Heres a bonus, looks like (+) 2a and (-) 12a can combine like terms! Thus, -10a = 24

3) Now its easy! So, divide -10 by 24
Guess what you get?

-2.4 of course! Because (24 / -10) is 2.4.

This problem looks strange because its got (a) on both sides, but its really just a trick.
2009-02-21 2:58 pm
2/3 A-4A=8
(2-12)/3 x A=8

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