what is the paper size A4 in Sq Cm ?

2009-02-21 2:48 pm

回答 (6)

2009-02-21 3:12 pm
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A 4 paper size is 21cm x 29.7cm = 623.7 cm^2
2009-02-21 3:28 pm
A series paper sizes are defined as follows; the A0 size has an area of one square metre, and each successive size is half the one previous. Also, if an A series sized piece of paper is cut or folded on half along its width, then the piece of paper formed is the same shape as the piece you started with; this means that the paper has length and width in the golden ratio, 1.618034... to 1.

A4 paper is therefore formed by 4 successive halvings, so it has an area of one sixteenth of a square metre or 625 cm2.
參考: Ian Campbell B.A. (Cantab.), chief technical officer at National Nutrition http://www.NationalNutrition.co.uk/ http://www.sizes.com/materls/paperISOA.htm
2009-02-21 2:53 pm
2016-12-18 3:27 am
A4 Sizes In Cm
2016-05-28 11:10 am
A3 420 x 297 mm (42 x 29.7cm) A4 297 x 210 mm (29.7 x 21cm) A5 210 x 148 mm (21 x 14.8cm)
2009-02-21 3:37 pm
210mm * 297mm * 0.01mm²/cm² = 623.7cm²

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