
2009-02-22 4:25 am
題目A Day in the Life of Hong Kong是什麼意思?
250 words 還有要寫些什麼好呢?


回答 (1)

2009-02-22 6:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
在香港的一天 (I guess)


Para 1. 香港既地理位置(優勢), 每年好多遊客都會黎香港旅遊
e.g. Hong Kong is located in South China. Every year, many tourists visit Hong Kong.

Para 2. 香港人的生活方式/態度(忙碌、有效率; 積極等)
e.g. The life in Hong Kong is pretty busy, Hong Kong people are very effective and their high effectiveness is known in the world.

Para 3. 在香港的吃喝玩樂的好去處, 講下自己最鍾意既地方
e.g. In Hong Kong, there are few places you have to go, for instance, Ocean Park, Tai Pei Dong and so on.

Para 4. 自己眼中的香港
e.g. I think Hong Kong is not only a shopping paradise and also a food paeadise. Because there are various food cuisines and food fusion.

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