
2009-02-22 2:52 am
Detection of oxygen produced from photosynthesis
1. put a few Hydrilla plants in a beaker of dilute sodim hydrogencarbonate solution.
2. Put an inverted filter funnel on three stoppers to cover the plants.Put a test tube completely filled with dilute sodium hydrogencarbonate solution on top of the funnel.
3. Leave the set up in bright light.
4. Carry out the glowing splint test with the gas collected.
點解要用sodim hydrogencarbonate solution?

回答 (3)

2009-02-22 8:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Absorb CO2.
The aim of the experiment is to detect Oxygen produced from phototosyntheis.
In order not to affected by CO2, sodium hydrogencarbonate is added to absorb CO2. Therefore the rate of photosynthesis is not affected. Oxygen is produced during the process of photosynthesis.
參考: my biology knowledge
2011-11-20 8:11 pm
shireenhosh 講得岩,
個experiment 就係要maintain constant rate of photosynthesis.
所以先要constant supply of CO2
NaHCO3 放CO2 以達至呢個效果,
先可以有constant measurment of O2 given out by the Hydrilla

2011-11-20 13:18:27 補充:
再者, CO2 大部份都會溶係水, 升出黎既gas bubbles 大部分都係hydrilla 放出黎既O2
所以CO2 更加唔會影響到個measuring result

CO2:: 大部分比hydrilla 吸左做photosynthesis, 少部分放出黎既都溶埋入水
2009-11-10 7:05 am
sodim hydrogencarbonate solution係用黎release CO2!!!!!

如果sodim hydrogencarbonate solution係for absorb
CO2,感仲有CO2去carry out photosynthesis咩!

你要有CO2先可以carry out photosynthesis then produced oxygen,

E 個就係成個experiment ge aim.

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