請幫忙 !! >.< 翻譯一段中文變英文 !! 急急急急急急

2009-02-21 10:38 pm
MARY 把 BETTY 當成是親人 , 打從心底接納了 BETTY

PETER 遇見一位心儀的對象 SALLY,而她也是一名單親媽媽,因此他為了投其所好,於是請 TOM 扮成他的兒子,向 SALLY說謊自己也是一名單親爸爸 , 目的是想與 SALLY 有多些接觸的機會

我認為 TOM 是一位十分孝順的人

回答 (4)

2009-02-22 5:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
MARY treated BETTY as family, and welcomed her whole-heartedly

PETER met his love SALLY, who happened to be a single mother. In hope of being able to share common topics, he asked TOM to act as his son, so that he could lie to SALLY that himself is a single parent too, in order to gain frequent contact with SALLY.

I think TOM is a very filial person.

.不是很清楚「也是一名單親媽媽」是不是指還有另一單親媽媽的意思,所以who happened to be a single mother沒有用上「也」的意思

.「投其所好」好像有些怪,感覺把單親當成興趣?所以私自改成In hope of being able to share common topics(為了有共同話題)

.目的是想與 SALLY 有多些接觸的機會->in order to gain frequent contact with SALLY(為了與SALLY有頻繁接觸的機會)
參考: 自己,能力不高……希望幫到你
2009-02-22 3:01 am
MARY is BETTY as relatives, from the heart bottom accepted BETTY

PETER meets an adoring object SALLY, and she is also one list close mother, therefore he for throwing it like, hence invite TOM to disguise as his son, tell a lie oneself toward SALLY is also one list close father, the purpose is a chance to want to have with SALLY to a little more get in touch with

I think that TOM is a person who pretty much shows filial obedience
2009-02-22 1:29 am
MARY regards BETTY is a family member, has admitted BETTY since the moral nature.

PETER meets object SALLY which admires, but she is also a single mother, therefore he to give what is desired, therefore asks TOM to play the role of his son, lies oneself to SALLY is also a single parenthood daddy, the goal is wants to have many contact opportunities with SALLY.

I thought that TOM is a very filial person.
參考: Me^^
2009-02-21 10:55 pm
It is a relative that MARY is regarded BETTY as, have admitted BETTY from the bottom of heart

PETER meets the target of a heart appearance SALLY, and she is one list kiss mother, so he for cater to his tastes, ask TOM play the part of son of him, lie to SALLY oneself whether one list kiss father too, the purpose is to want to have chance of some more contact with SALLY

It is a very filial person that I think TOM

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