
2009-02-21 9:21 pm

回答 (1)

2009-03-03 9:22 pm
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The video clip draws our attention to the game basketball, which is not just a game but a meaningful "life" lesson also.

So the advantages are that the game makes one stronger, healthier, more confident in oneself, have more friends and bring people together, regardless of nationality.

What really matters is not you win or lose in a game, but you always have a chance to be a "hero". As President Obama says, we can rise and fall together, give our "lasting" contribution to our team (and your country too!).

So work hard and you'll learn things like sportsmanship, team spirit, unity, love .... so in the end we can make a better world.


2009-03-03 13:32:22 補充:
大意是說藍球不只是遊戲, 更是人生中有意義的一課. 不只令人強身健體, 更有自信, 學會團體精神, 將人的距離 (不管國藉膚色) 拉近. 更重要的, 不是遊戲中的勝敗, 而是在於人即使在 "失敗" 中, 也總可成為 "英雄", 只要你堅持一直與自己的隊友 (以致所屬社群或國家) 共同經歷起與跌, 所作出的貢獻便有永恆價值. 所以, 就讓大家一同努力辛苦鍛鍊, 學習和體會體育精神, 友愛等等的意義, 最終, 美夢必可成真, 人可創造更美好的世界.

2009-03-03 13:33:07 補充:
... 也總可 (有機會) 成為 "英雄", ...

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