翻譯d英文問題呀..thz so much好趕要呀!!

2009-02-21 4:52 pm


回答 (2)

2009-02-21 5:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Do you sense the healthiness (liveliness會唔會好d呢?) in this carnival?
2. Do you think the carnival this year was successful? What improvements could be made next time?
3. Which booth is best decorated?
4. Which booth captured your interest?
5. Did you participate in it? What did you do?
6. How do feel about the atmosphere in the carnival?
7. What would you give (in 1-100points) for the canival?
8. Which booth do you think is the best learning point for children?

2009-02-21 14:04:47 補充:
下面果位好明顯係用網上翻譯....= ="
d grammar錯得咁西利....
2009-02-21 7:51 pm
1.You thought that did not think a fine time passage does have the healthy breath?
2. you thought that this conducts successfully? Which will probably next time also have what improvement place?
3. you thought that which place the decoration is best?
4. which stall most attracts you?
5. you whether or not participation in which? What is your work?
6. you think entire atmosphere ok?
7. if how many entire fine time passage how many many minutes 1-100 point you compared to?
8. which stall should you most be able to instill into the child knowledge for?

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