Integration by Substitution

2009-02-21 1:06 pm
Evaluate the following indefinite integrals.

1. ∫ e^(開方三次)x / √x dx

回答 (2)

2009-02-21 9:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
First of all, let's have a look at the substitution method:


So it is found that such integration does NOT have a closed form.
Instead, if the expression to be ingrated is changed to Taylor's series form, then the integration can be done easily:


2009-02-23 02:56:33 補充:
If we differentiate 2/3 e^(開方三次)x, it will give:
(2/9) e^(開方三次)x / x^(2/3)
which is not the original form provided.
參考: Myself
2009-02-21 7:20 pm
你係問∫ e^(3x) / √x dx ?

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