
2009-02-21 3:34 am
以番本人 [f0rm.three] 既程度`

At a midnight,Judy was walk away to home,beceuse she have a dating.Suddenly,she stoped,she meet a cat,it's black.But she know that,black cat will give people unlucky.But she was too love pets,so she 不理會 it isn't give her unlucky.And take the cat go home.
But when she went home,she was falling down,and she was hurt her foot (隻腳損左) .Suddenly she think,isn't the black cat made her unlucky?!But she haven't 理會 ,and hurry to went home.
When she 番到屋企 ,frist she help the cat cleaned.The cat was very driuty.Judy discover that the cat (d毛色唔同,不黑不白似的).So she was (更落力) to washed the cat. (最後) She discover that the cat was a grey cat,isn't the will give people blackluck's black cat.

回答 (4)

2009-02-21 4:27 am
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( )內係解釋,[ ]係縮寫
At a midnight,Judy walked(active voice) away from(collocation) home,beceuse she had(past tense) a dating.Suddenly,she stoped,she met(past tense[pt]) a cat,it's black.But she knew(pt) that,black cat gives(present tense) people unfortunate(noun[n]).But she loves pets very much(chinglish=''=),so she ingored(不理會) whether(不論…與否) it gives her unfortunate(n).And took(pt) the cat home(collocation).
But when she went home,she was falling down,and her foot was hurt (passive voice) .Suddenly she thought(pt), 'Does(2verbs=''=) the black cat make(question) me(change to be 1st person) unlucky?!' But she ignored(不理會) about it ,and went home quickly(adverb).
When she came home(返到屋企), she first(spelling) bathed(給…洗澡) the cat .The cat was very dirty(spelling).Judy discovered(pt) that the colour of the cat's hair became different and changed to be grey (隻貓d毛ge顏色變得唔同,變左灰色).So she bathed(點會「洗」隻貓嫁…) the cat with more effort(努力) . Finally(最後), She discovered(pt) that the cat was a grey cat,which(relative clause) isn't the cat giving(genund) people bad luck(咩叫黑色幸運?=''=).

pure version:
At a midnight,Judy walked away from home,beceuse she had a dating.Suddenly,she stoped,she met a cat,it's black.But she knew that,black cat gives people unfortunates.But she loves pets very much,so she ingored whether it gives her unfortunates.And took the cat home.
But when she went home,she was falling down,and her foot was hurt .Suddenly she thought, 'Does the black cat make me unlucky?!' But she ignored about it ,and went home quickly.
When she came home, she first bathed the cat .The cat was very dirty.Judy discovered that the colour of the cat's hair became different and changed to be grey .So she bathed the cat with more effort . Finally, She discovered that the cat was a grey cat,which isn't the cat giving people bad luck.

2009-02-20 20:28:11 補充:
sd 貓比我都ok,,

2009-02-20 20:33:14 補充:
story一定要全部用past tense,
例如:But she loves pets very much.

she was falling down>>>>she fell down
除左一d特別情況,否則唔會用past participate…
例如:i was scared while she was falling down from the hill

2009-02-20 20:34:54 補充:
有關tense ge網:
參考: 我=''=
2009-02-21 8:22 am
At midnight, Judy walked away from home beceuse she had a date. She stopped suddenly as she saw a black cat. She knows that black cat will give people bad luck. However, she loved pets too much that ignored the fact that it’s unlucky. Hence she took the cat home.
She fell down on the way home. She hurt her feet and had cuts on it. Suddenly she thought it isn't the black cat that brought her bad luck. She didn’t care and hurried home.

When she arrived home, she cleaned the cat first. The cat was very dirty. Judy then discovered that the cat’s color was between black and white, so she put her full effort to wash the cat. Finally she discovered that the cat was a grey cat which isn't the typical bad luck black cat.
2009-02-21 4:58 am
At midnight Judy left her home,because she had a date. Suddenly she stopped by a cat, it's black in colour. She thought that black cat would bring bad luck to people. However she loved pets, so she didn't care or even it would bring her bad luck. She took the cat and went home.
On her way home, she fell down. She was hurt on her foot. She suddenly thought, isn't the black cat made her suffer such pain? But she no longer to think it again and hurried home .
When she arrived home, she cleaned the cat. The cat was very dirty. Judy discovered that the hair of the cat is not really black in colour. So she washed the cat thoroughly. At last, she found that the cat was a grey cat, it wasn't the black cat which would give people bad luck.

你要記住, 你講己過去的故事, 係要用過去式 (past tense) 。
2009-02-21 3:55 am

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