
2009-02-21 2:48 am
It is, then, already too late for Asia’s cities? The region’s government have eagerly encouraged economic growth, but their record is not so good when it comes to urban management. More efficient land planning and management of development have helped cities elsewhere to grow while remaining liveable. Yet few Asian governments (those in Hong Kong and Singapore being notable exceptions) have comprehensive land planning policies, or have exerted much control over private developers. This suggests that the problem is not that governments don’t know that to do; rather, they lack the will to do it. If authorities in more Asian cities face the challenge, there is a chance that the pessimists may be proved wrong. But there is little time for delay.

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2009-02-21 6:44 am
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2009-02-22 6:14 am

2009-02-21 22:16:49 補充:
參考: 自己。希望幫到你~

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