
2009-02-21 12:47 am
1.‘I likeˍ(have)a nap in the taxi.I also enjoyˍ(listen)to the radio in the taxi.’
2.Nancy hatesˍ(travelling)by tram or bus because she thinks these types of transport are too slow.She does not likeˍ(take)the taxi because taxi are expensive.She likes(take)the MTR.


回答 (4)

2009-02-21 1:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
我likeˍ (有)在出租汽車的休息。也我enjoyˍ (聽)對在出租汽車的收音機。『
2.Nancy hatesˍ (旅行)乘電車或公共汽車,因為她認為運輸的這些类型是太慢的。她不likeˍ (作為)出租汽車,因為出租汽車是昂貴的。她喜歡(作為) MTR。
參考: me
2009-02-21 9:22 pm
1.‘I like having(have)a nap in the taxi.I also enjoy listening (listen)to the radio in the taxi.’
2.Nancy hates travelling (travelling)by tram or bus because she thinks these types of transport are too slow.She does not like taking(take)the taxi because taxi are expensive.She likes taking(take)the MTR.

參考: 自己
2009-02-21 12:59 am
1. I like have a nap in the taxi.I also enjoy listening to the radio in the taxi.
2. Nancy hates travel by tram or bus because she thinks these types of transport are too slow.She does not like take the taxi because taxi are expensive.She likes(take)the MTR.
參考: 猜的....不知道對不對....
2009-02-21 12:52 am
1.‘I like having (have)a nap in the taxi.
I also enjoy listening (listen)to the radio in the taxi.’

2. Nancy hates travelling (travelling)by tram or bus because she
thinks these types of transport are too slow.
She does not like to take (take)the taxi because taxi are
expensive. She likes taking (take)the MTR.

Hope I can help U
P.S. I'm no sure the answers are correct...
參考: ME

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