
2009-02-20 8:43 pm
I have the VBA scripts (usually update) in the cells of excel.
I need to copy and paste the range of cell into the module.
Do you have any VBA scripts that can have a fast way? T
hank you very much!

回答 (2)

2009-03-01 6:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hi, I'm happy to help and would like to clarify the followings:

Are you going to copy a range into a VBA module?

Calvin Lee
[email protected]

2009-03-01 10:48:12 補充:
You may export your code to an external file xxx.bas, edit the content by using any text editor, e.g. notepad, and then import it into the same Excel file (or other file) when needed.

Calvin Lee
[email protected]
2009-02-25 2:13 am
Yes !

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